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tv   [untitled]    November 19, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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israel carries out attacks on a media center for the second consecutive day as the death toll among palestinians doubled in the last twenty four hours. and israel could be just hours away from a gaza ground invasion having issued hamas with a six point out made in order to avert a land war also. there's a whole raft of legislation which stops to sell you what you believe we don't have freedom of speech written by the right to protest as a public order to outlaw even the most harmless of insults regardless of whether anyone is actually offended. by the safe landing three international space
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station crew members touched down in the snowy lands of kazakstan after over to earth or for four months. you're watching r t a live from moscow with me to say israeli missiles have hit a media complex in gaza for a second time at least two people are reported killed in the attack and the area is now covered by dense smoke this comes a day after six people were injured in a previous a strike on the building let's cross over now live to documentary filmmaker harry fear who's in gaza right now carries so what's happening right now and near the media center. as you can imagine it's so full of people going crazy basically. syria journalists zero zero
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three. including one whose body just. says full body in the same time we're hearing condemnation of the. olive tree sions condemning this as another problem facing war crime trials from israel that didn't directly intend to kill these journalists but was trying to target some sort of i.c.t. complex in the same building as you just said two journalists are being killed the journalists and their organizations that they're working for said that they will not stop reporting even though these targets are exacted against them by israel. carry whatever attacks have you seen or heard about today. well today there has been an attack on the car for a civilian civilian car the head of one of the biggest hospitals here in gaza that was in the last two hours we have. all the now actually being targeted
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clearly displaying displaying the press badge that was the driver of that civilian taxi for the press killed two journalists in that taxi. why do we do apologize so we've lost harry see our reporter he's out the in gaza will obviously trying to get back with him in a later stage now is very officials have apparently agreed to give more time to international efforts towards a cease fire that there's been a drop in hostilities in gaza itself that's getting the israeli government perspective on the crisis for which i'm now joined by foreign ministry spokesman said on a stein mr stein we've just learned that these israeli military have just to hit the international media headquarters in gaza for a second time what's the justification for that. we are aiming only at home us and its terrorist organization i know there is a mill they have a media center just next to the media center used by
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a. journalist a foreign journalist and the purpose of their building very base is next to places that you know will get a lot of media coverage is exactly for situations like this we do not aim of course the foreign press this is why we let them freely go inside gaza and we are the ones who believe in freedom of expression and freedom of speech. now israel has launched more than a thousand three hundred strikes so far killing a few dozen hamas members and even more civilians israel in turn has suffered no deaths by palestinian rocket attacks is your response really proportional. well i don't think you expect me to apologize for the fact that we are taking care of our civilians we have build the iron dome which helps us protect them against the rockets that are aimed at us for quite a few years so this is why we don't have
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a lot of civilian injuries our people run into shelters and they are protected by their government unfortunately hamas is using children on both sides on their side they are using their children and their own families as human shields they are hiding behind them they're hiding in hospitals in mosques they are using their own schools and we don't i have to say that today there was an israeli school that was hit but fortunately for us we took the children out of there before hand there are homes they are in shelters i would wonder why some us did not put any of their money into building shelters why did they not look into the best interest of their own people and why did they put all of their budget into building mess iles we have with true we withdrew from gaza many years ago what is the aim of these missiles. i mean why me are so will you talk of mosques and hospitals to kill if you can must fight is. we are doing everything possible to target only the
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hamas leader and their bases this is what we're doing and i have to say that we have been we flew over a thousand missions and the collateral damage that has been done is very minimal by any international standard so this we have proven the fact that we are trying our best to hard to hurt civilians while unfortunately there's pretty much ninety. ninety two people who have been reported dead within gaza right now those people obviously civilians women and children hospitals are without medical medicine you're targeting you saying you're targeting come us militants but yet people who had nothing to do with this i getting killed. yes and i would ask these people to ask the hamas why in the first place are they shooting at israel what is their goal what is their aim they have their own self governance they had
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elections why did they do this why are they doing in the past few years what is there any my would ask the coast even people to ask the hamas why why is the system lation necessary what right nato secretary-general rasmussen himself has come out and urge israel to restrain itself even your closest allies it seems view what's happening in gaza as over the top will israel bag down its offensive. well i must say that the leaders of the world that have been standing beside us they said that they support israel's right to defend itself i think that russia would never allow any country to shoot rockets at their civilians i thought she of . moscow i don't think this is possible that in her birth country and our friends in the world understand this israel has a right to defend itself not even a right it's an obligation it's their moral obligation to take care of this is
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billions if we have people who have children close to one for shelter for in fifteen seconds they have to find shelter i think when i see two sentences it takes more than fifteen seconds and then this time they need to find shelter i don't think anybody will find this just a fireball. right lunna stein israeli foreign ministry spokeswoman thank you very much. and the bloodshed could be had worsen as israel warns it's hours not days before it intensifies attacks on gaza the stately issued a thirty six hour ultimatum demanding that hamas so stops firing rockets into israel territory to policia brings us more from tel aviv. those are the most ominous words we've heard so far that do suggest that the possibility of some kind of ground offensive could be imminent when we talk about the effects of what has been happening since wednesday when israeli civilians have so far been killed rashmi around a dozen have been injured people have been talking about an imminent ground
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offensive since wednesday we know that roughly seventy five thousand reserve soldiers have been called up they and the regular army have been massing along the israel gaza border we have seen their movement of tanks and armored personnel vehicles for days now but certainly is a sense particularly because the army has closed off all roads around gaza that there is something on the go there have also been four straight days of what could spin fired into tel aviv speaking to people here in tel aviv something has shifted i'm hearing more and more israelis say that they are supporting a ground offensive that they believe it's the only one and only way that militants in gaza can once and for all be dealt with the problem though is that tel aviv is widely aware that if in fact launches such an offensive it will lose international sympathy it's heard these warnings particularly from the government of the u.k. but israel is relying on the united states as it has in the past to back it up we're also hearing more and more many israelis voiced the opinion that they believe
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that god's is on not innocent and this comes from the point of view that we are looking at a rising civilian death count in gaza what i'm hearing israelis tell me is that it is gazans that invented the hamas government and as a result they want to live with the consequences this is almost a justification for the israeli army getting a long so frequently in what it says are targeted killings that in fact when it lands uprooting and killing civilians. from all of the impact of the crisis is having on politics both in the outside israel let's not speak to jerusalem based analysts. from the middle east program of the international crisis group misses the reported ultimatum that israel has made to hamas contains a some strong demands do you believe hamas will agree to stop its attacks for fifteen years. no i think that's very unlikely. if they don't stop what what's the outcome then is this just going to go on and on
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no it's not i mean hamas has a limited number of of weapons and so it can't last indefinitely i actually think that there is a chance for a ceasefire still because both sides i think at this moment are still able to claim a victory and as time goes on i think that's less and less true but we're still in a window where i think both sides can can end it and claim a victory this is our really one to avert a land invasion here or is it all for show and case solved we tried and it didn't work so we go to wall. i think there are two elements first yes israel does indeed want to avoid a ground incursion and that simply because it knows little good is going to come out of an incursion but the main purpose of an incursion is going to be to to eliminate the stockpile but they're going to need egypt if they want to prevent
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that stockpile from being rebuilt and their ability to get anything from egypt is going to be lessened by a ground incursion the second thing is yes it is true of course that if they do do a ground incursion it is better that they wait longer and show the world that they had attempted to be patient and so forth there's can public support for action domestically in israel is that is what the israeli government really wants or is it being pushed by public opinion into all. i don't think it's being pushed by public opinion into war i think that if the government were to announce a cease fire there is a plausible line that they can they can offer of the public to say that this is a victory for us and that we took out the head of the kasam brigades and we showed the leaders in our in gaza. that they cannot continue to fire us at us in the way that they had prior to this escalation israelis are unsurprisingly tired of rockets
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eggs but how do you stop them without setting yourself up for more trouble down the road. i think it's a very difficult. situation for israel it doesn't have a long term solution the only real long term solutions are to give some offerings to amass and that will require egypt's cooperation. and egypt has its own interests in the situation we're potentially on the brink of a ground invasion the last one in two thousand and eight only serve to rally palestinians to hamas could you be setting yourself up for another confrontation in say a few years i think it's extremely likely that if a cease fire is reached right now and the terms are the kind that have been discussed so frequently which is essentially calm for calm in the same kind of cease fire that has been brokered repeatedly in the last couple of years. than that
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of course it is not sustainable and it will be broken just as the previous ones had and egypt and the u.s. and israel and hamas everyone will find themselves in this situation again very shortly one of the regional repercussions for israel i mean it's not it's not in a good space right now. i think i think that the critical question for israel is egypt and how is egypt reacting and so far i think israel can be quite satisfied that though they did something quite risky and though what they did was upsetting to egypt because there had been a calm before the assassination that egypt brokered and israel violated that with the assassination. nevertheless they took this risk and the reaction from egypt has been far more muted than it could have been so far the greatest consequence has been for the egyptian ambassador to tel aviv to be
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withdrawn and that's something that even mubarak did nathan through all analysts with the middle east program of the international crisis group thank you thank you by this latest outburst of violence in the holy land has been left to many on the sidelines and already the lancelot i gave gaza is warning protests worldwide activist and demonstrators in a number of countries have rallied to decry the deaths and demand any needed end to the fighting. that's russia pledges to rate of the latest gaza friends over at the un i'm all for show and public reaction and ongoing coverage of the situation both in israel and gaza on our website right now.
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i'll be back with other news in a couple of minutes to stay with us. to use it secret laboratory to mccurdy was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the dot com. kid in sorrow. and hope for escape. barely surviving longing for a godsend. they live in
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a search for gold. why doesn't it bring them wealth. please speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in school here on. reporting from the world's hot spots to feel at peace interviews intriguing story are you. trying. to find out more visit our big teeth. wealthy british style it's time to let's go right. to. the markets find.
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find out what's really happening to the global economy for our no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report on our. you know what you are too good to have you with us when it comes to speaking their minds of the british are finding it harder than ever to voice their opinions i campaign to overturn a stifling public order act is heating up with critics saying it denies people their basic rights of free speech artists are for reports. brits are renowned for their sarcastic sense of humor and here in this country we love
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a good provoking to debate so you would think that free speech to be protected and we'd be able to sell our opinions from the very tops right. there's a whole raft of legislation which stops you so you know what you believe it we don't have freedom of speech anymore and one piece of blue in particular is a section five of the public order act one is to close this causing big problems with a slower has been used for two particular ways firstly to stifle inconvenient political views so views which are against islam which are against christianity which are against the equality of homosexuals so people who say that sort of stuff compete arrested the second way it's been used by the police. to arrest you if everything else fails they see being caught how simply someone who insulted scientology by calling it a dangerous cult and wait for it someone who called the police. under
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section five of the public order there's no requirement to praise that the person intended any negative consequences from something they said oh did i only have to be likely to have caused the phone so i could be prosecuted for saying or doing something even if no one was actually offended but the who's probably got a very pretty quickly these on the receiving end of this law has had to live with the consequences to court cases many of which are eventually thrown out as appeal not before costing the taxpayer a pretty penny i've been a victim to when i protested against islamist extremists who were advocating killing gay people and women have sex outside of marriage i was prosecuted for this alleged crime. really in a free society insults are not nice but i shouldn't be criminal offenses when it comes to defending free speech many feel what we're actually talking about is protecting our right to a fair. and yes and so democracy your sense of democracy some people wondering
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around certain property probably isn't smiling at one another it's about informed debate about a whole range of issues a must and should be off limits the increasingly dissolve cases where the section five bills being have led to huge public outcry and the campaign to get the law changed. whether it hurts people or it is souls people speech must be free is the fact that so many people in this country believe that we see in such a fierce fight defending our rights to say whatever we want whenever the we want to serve say london it seems that in some parts of america obama supporters are considered responsible enough to own firearms at least that's the opinion of one gun shop owner in arizona he's banned all democrat voters from entering his store. with class an unexpected discovery in scotland as construction workers in edinburgh unearthed a prehistoric house shedding light on the lives of the very first sex slaves.
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three crew members from the international space station have successfully returned to earth after spending four months in space r.t. shaun thomas reports. but i can say that so you may zero five m. has landed safely and it has brought with it the expedition thirty three crew with them sunny williams from the usa. from japan and yuri malenchenko from russia. making it from space to earth is an exact science but it's never routine in fact let me tell you a little bit about what happened the undocked about two twenty six am moscow time fire the rockets at four fifty eight which brought in nearly just under an hour long process of fall to the earth through the atmosphere from about sixty three
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miles in the earth's surface in a rare pre-dawn in the dark a landing in the. step where it's extremely cold and there is still on the ground and that landing happened at about five fifty three moscow time now what happens is when that capsule hits the ground it launches a series of ground vehicles about twelve helicopters and three fixed wing aircraft that go looking for the crew they have now been recovered and are safely back and earth after one hundred twenty seven days in space well in space they did educational well as well as scientific and medical experiments they even did maintenance on what is space aquarium with actual fish in space and they docked with a commercial spacecraft as well as performed at three different spacewalks so never a dull moment always something to do up there in space at the international space station. and other world news the congolese government to have rejected the rebel
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ultimatum start directly within twenty four hours a militant group is demanding that the eastern city of goma be demilitarized otherwise threatening to take it by force there massed on the outskirts of the city despite efforts by un peacekeepers and government troops to hold to their progress an official spokesperson has accused neighboring rwanda of supporting the rebels meanwhile civilians have joint field government forces as international community voices deep concern about the fighting. nato will assist in any way necessary in protecting turkey's border with syria according to the secretary general of the alliance is expected to request patriot missiles in order to bolster anti aircraft defenses the turkish government has been in intense talks with nato after a number of syrian shells landed in its territory the united states the netherlands and germany are the only countries able to supply the necessary missiles.
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barack obama is in cambodia for the final leg of his four of asia became the first serving u.s. president to visit my mother praising political reform there but insisting the country still has much further to go some experts suggest the jaw is part of america's attempts to wrestle influence in the region away from china the relationship between the two superpowers is up for discussion in putin liberals cross-talk program coming up next hour here on our team. put a time being still washington is putting a lot of. effort to reassure china it is not trying to do religious growth but to some degree control it to make it manageable yes the united states is reassuring china but if there is a domestic opposition in china similar to what happened in iran in two thousand and nine or what happened in syria or what happened in china in one nine hundred eighty nine with tiananmen you'll see it the whole western media and the us government turned suddenly sharply i do support that opposition against the chinese communist
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party that's an underlying part of the politics and i think the chinese government knows that. i'll be back with the world news and just say the hof and allah before that and also with kate after this but. texas wants to pull away from the usa in fact at least twenty states have started petitions for independence after obama won the election with well just a few voting irregularities but guess what suspicion will never happen it is a very easy thing to do decide a petition and it is another thing entirely to leave the usa that will civil war thing that happened back then does anyone the usa honestly think that they are gov
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has the ball determination to actually rebel i don't think there is a single george washington type among them well maybe just see for tour a kind of but he's out of office how do what makes it seem like revolution or succession is this fun cool easy thing to do with cool slogans a texan flag flying but the reality looks a lot more like the arab spring before you put your name on the dotted line to succeed you should really understand what that means and what you're in for the founding father sure did but that's just my opinion. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so please you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture.
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soon which brightened if you mean about someone from phones to pressure these. moves through stunts on t.v. don't come. hello welcome to the weekly s'pore round up with me take partridge and here's what's coming up. talking points desk three neal to stay top of the russian premier league was a neat awaits the fate of the man whose goalkeeper is hit by a flare. plus on the on russia draw with the usa but the
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archipelago finishes the year on being in charge on course for brazil twenty fourteen. and blades of glory we look at the top k h l action only a couple joke and alexander ovechkin shine during the n.h.l. lockout. so let's kick off with the latest football where it says state of top of the russian premier league but a flare hitting did i was goalkeeper dominated the headlines as constantine put up off reports. the crowd trouble that more exonerates match or do nama and the consequent fallout has overshadowed all other events from last weekend the match up to him karina was abandoned after thirty seven minutes with dunam a leading one thinks toward the mood romance long range effort the nama goalkeeper on junction and was then stand by a flare thrown from the stand behind him containing the need fans and the referee stopped the game shooting was diagnosed.


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